mayday from the Noah project
In the summer of 2020 I was walking down the beach when I received some messages. I did not know how to relay the experience artistically so I put it away. Now in the spring of 2022, I fell compelled to write down what happened. I feel the truth will resonate .And I saw and see no way to write about what happened artistically. This has not changed. The messages were incomplete. I felt like I was listen to a distant AM station on a mountain road. While walking on the beach in the summer of 2021 I heard, telepathically, a message. "MAYDAY MAYDAy This is the captain from the Noah project. " "captain you are not making any sense to me." I reply. "MAYDAY MAYDAY This is a captain from the Noah project. I can no long contact other Noah project rocket ships. We are the last surviving vehicle from the project and we are no longer able to maintain our systems." "WTF is the Noah project?" "The Noah project was a fleet of rocket ship...